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15 Essential Website Components for Business Success: A Comprehensive Guide

September 4, 2024/

This guide explores the essential website components that drive growth, including effective content strategies, social media integration, and robust performance optimization. By focusing on these key elements, you can create a powerful online presence that attracts and retains customers, enhances user experience, and supports your…

What Are 3 Types of Web Development?

November 20, 2023/

Web development is a complicated process, and it’s bound to become even more complex as the internet evolves. Therefore, each project can involve multiple developers with unique skills and different responsibilities. What Are the 3 Types of Web Development? Front-end, back-end, and full-stack are the…

What Are the Basic Principles of Web Design?

November 13, 2023/

Web design is an art, which is why sites look different from each other. However, it’s also a science. That’s why the most successful ones share qualities based on universal truths all self-respecting designers understand. What Are the Basic Principles of Web Design? The basic…

Web Design Philippines: 4 Times It Affects Content Marketing

August 22, 2023/

Content is the lifeblood of digital marketing. Filipinos hate ads, so you can’t achieve your business goals without doing content marketing. In fact, 73% and 70% of B2B and B2C marketers, respectively, depend on content marketing to reach and engage with their target audiences. Producing blogs,…


August 15, 2023/

The proliferation of intuitive website building solutions have democratized web design and development. Suddenly, it’s possible to create HTML5 and mobile-responsive sites with zero technical background and without spending a fortune. Although website builders have unquestionable merits, they’re generally freemium services. If you want a feature-rich corporate site or…

5+ Mistakes the Average Filipino Web Design Agency Makes

June 6, 2023/

The Philippines is a global BPO titan, attracting countless foreign businesses, especially from the US, Canada, Australia, and Europe, that want to outsource their web design needs. Yet somehow, many of the country’s local sites are a pain to use.For a nation that logs one of the highest…

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