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HCL Domino as a Mail and Application Development Platform

As the digital workspace emerges in today’s digital world, online collaboration tools are now vital for an organization to keep people working together and continuously increase productivity despite the ever-changing workstation and business setup.

One of these tools that are being used by lots of companies worldwide as their collaboration and enterprise-grade application development platform is the HCL Domino and recently, HCL Notes Domino upgraded to version 12 which unlocked great features that will surely be beneficial to your business.

Here are some of the great features of the HCL Notes Domino v12:

Eliminate desktop client upgrades

With Nomad web, you can now access HCL Domino apps on a browser and is always up to date. No need anymore for a user to upgrade and maintain its desktop Notes client and it can now be set up four times faster.

Any can build Low-Code apps

Without any prior specialized experience in programming and any business user can use HCL Domino Volt to automate their workflows and develop powerful situational applications.

Cloud-Native with Flexible Backup and Enhanced Security

HCL Software products are now cloud-native which they can deploy anywhere, on-premises, hybrid, or any cloud of your choice with new security features that make Domino more powerful which include Time-Based One Time Password (TOTP), automating certificate management, and biometric authentication.

Make the most out of your data with these adaptable data science platforms. HCL Domino software helps you administer and manage your business with a value-based total cost of ownership.

Reference list: HCL Software, “The world is powered by Domino”


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