What Is Dynamic Application Security Testing Used For?

What Is Dynamic Application Security Testing Used For

In an increasingly digital, interconnected world, a single security flaw can topple an empire—the digital equivalent of an exhaust port in Star Wars’ Death Star space station. Safeguarding web applications is therefore a top priority for businesses, which makes Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) a crucial tool by offering real-time insights into potential vulnerabilities.

Understanding DAST and its role is essential for businesses seeking to shore up their defenses in cyberspace.

What Is Dynamic Application Security Testing?

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) is an automated process that assesses web applications for security vulnerabilities while they’re running. This testing method is particularly effective in identifying issues like SQL injections, cross-site scripting, and other threats that manifest during operation. DAST simulates external attacks, providing a realistic evaluation of an application’s security profile.

DAST is similar to another way of testing vulnerabilities, SAST.

DAST vs. Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

DAST differs significantly from Static Application Security Testing (SAST). While SAST analyzes the source code of applications at rest, DAST tests the application in its live, dynamic state.

In other words, SAST is preventive, identifying potential security issues during the development phase, whereas DAST is more detective (hence “dynamic”), attempting to reveal vulnerabilities that surface in a live environment. SDevTech’s HCL AppScan Standard is an example of a proven DAST that complies with industry standards.

What Is Dynamic Application Security Testing Used For?

Implementing DAST offers several advantages for businesses:

  • Real-world testing: DAST provides a practical view of how applications perform under threat by simulating attacks.
  • Robust vulnerability detection: It identifies a comprehensive range of issues, especially those that only appear during operation.
  • Ease of integration: DAST tools are generally user-friendly and can be easily integrated into existing security processes.
  • Agile and DevOps compatibility: DAST aligns well with continuous development and testing practices in agile and DevOps environments.

Integrating DAST in Business Practices

For businesses, integrating DAST into the application development and maintenance cycle is vital. It not only helps in identifying and addressing vulnerabilities but also plays a crucial role in regulatory compliance and data protection strategies.

DAST and Agile Development

A modern web application is often likened to a dynamic jigsaw puzzle, split into many microservices and containers. This is doubly so when deployed in the cloud. In any case, this level of complexity increases opportunities for attack, making traditional static testing insufficient.

DAST provides a flexible and effective solution for ongoing security assessment in agile and DevOps models, which emphasize continuous integration and deployment. Since DAST tests the application as it is built and executed, it closely approximates the actions of real-world attackers.

DAST for Regulatory Compliance

Many industries need to comply with strict regulatory requirements, such as GDPR, PCI DSS, or HIPAA, for data protection and privacy. Vulnerability and testing using DAST helps businesses follow these regulations by ensuring that their applications are secure against known vulnerabilities and attack patterns.

Additional Insights on DAST Implementation

IT professionals can implement DAST either as automated or manual testing, each addressing different security assessment aspects.

For instance, automated DAST relies on crawlers to scan web applications and can detect threats like denial of service and brute force attacks. Manual DAST, on the other hand, is critical for uncovering vulnerabilities related to business logic, as it involves security engineers testing within the context of the application.

That said, businesses must define the scope and objectives, choose suitable tools, and create a dedicated testing environment when implementing DAST.


Incorporating Dynamic Application Security Testing into your business’s cybersecurity strategy is not just a technical decision; it’s just a matter of common business sense. Even while digital threats evolve and adapt, DAST provides the necessary framework to keep applications secure and customer data protected.

For more information on implementing DAST and enhancing your application security, explore the resources and insights available at SDev Tech.